Monday, August 13, 2007

Glen Hansard

Ok, he may have a lot to answer for, but one thing's for sure - this we shall NEVER forgive him.....Evidently there is an influx of new bands hitting Dublin's tarmac all in hopes of "breaking in Ireland" thanks to Glen Hansard and that pile-o-shite movie "Once". Lord help us all as Californian pretty boys Cowboy Robot (or was that Robot Cowboy?!) descend on the capital. Four songs on MySpace and by all accounts (including my own) four different bands! Maroon 5, The Stones, Beck (sorry - was too bored to pinpoint the fourth) - all well and good, but that leaves the best part of their act being described as "derivitive". In fact, I think they'll have more chance breaking Ireland as a cover's band - well either that or just breaking their holes........xx

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