Monday, August 13, 2007

Aer Lingus

Now, Aer Lingus has always been a bit of a nightmare - thick ankled air hostesses with faces like the squidgy bits of a monkey's arse and attitudes to match, chomping at the bit to just whip out a ruler and smack you at 30,000 feet - but at least is wasn't Ryan Air. Now however, the reasons for its existence are becoming even more few and far between. We could almost forgive them when they embraced online booking but still insisted on charging a "handling fee" for EACH TICKET purchased online within one booking (what exactly do they need to "handle" while you do the whole thing yourself, you ask? Yes, it's still a mystery). Then, we could almost feel for them as they attempted to become more "competitive" in pricing but at the cost of luggage fees (who needs clothes on vacation?!) and fuel taxes (ok, at least THAT one made sense - sort of).....But NOW - the bitter icing on top of a cake made of poo? Ah yes- the seat charge.

I was quite pleased when, a few years ago Aer Lingus caught up with everyone else and allowed you automated check in and later, the ability to book your seats online from the comfort of your own couch. Now though - as I innocently booked a flight to Berlin last week (that's 3 tickets, with 3 separate airport taxes on top, with 3 bags at a tenner a piece - and no I DON'T want automatic travel insurance thank you - and 3 booking fees, f**king exhausting.......) I completed my booking - took a deep breath (SO expensive, but whatever, it's August, live and learn) - up pops the box asking me if I'd like to pre-book my seats. Why Yes I thought - that'll be one less hassle when we get there considering the other half won't board the plane unless given a seat on top pf the exit door.....I start to click on available configurations of three adjacent seats - but what is this??? - little Euro signs start to flicker at the bottom of my screen....Have they....No they couldn't have.....are they seriously CHARGING ME FOR MY SEAT CHOICE?!?!? Yes dear reader - €3 for the crappy ones, €10 for the ones up the front and....get this - those ever illusive bulkhead seats? - you know the ones you beg them for at the counter and they have all the excuses "no I'm sorry sir we can't pre-book those seats" / "no I'm sorry ma'am, you can't sit there if you are not able to assist 50 screaming passengers out of a plane on your back if we crash" - well, now you can pre-book those suckers even if you're a 4'2" cripple with one leg and oversized hand luggage that won't fit in the overhead - well if you ANOTHER spare €15 that is (and let's be honest - at that point it's unlikely) God bless the free market (and put a plague on the house of Aer Lingus) That Ryan Air cowshed out the back of Dublin Airport is looking better and better.....xx

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